,Hey there,
If you're an emotional over eater there's a hidden force that can derail your attempts to change. It's the same force that kept people in the 50's thin and most people today overweight and control around food. It comes up every day when I am coaching clients. It's the force they learn to identify and get past in coaching. It's hidden in plain sight. I call it 'The Way Things Are' and until we recognise it as destructive and unhealthy, we will struggle with making lasting changes to the way we eat. 'The Way Things Are' includes all of our cultural norms that keep us constantly eating throughout the day and feeling deprived when we try to change. As a marketing insider I can tell you today's 'Way Things Are' is the creation of over-marketed food culture. We can see how our cultural ideas about food have changed massively in our lifetimes. Before the advent of marketing, food was far less compelling. If I think back to my childhood in the 1970's in New Zealand ...
The biggest trick of The Way Things Are is that we think that it's natural and normal because it's a complex system of habits, tastes and cultural and emotional behaviours that have developed over time. And it's making us overweight and emotionally dependent on food. One of the most destructive aspects of marketing culture on food is portion sizes and consumption occasions. Having worked in food and beverage marketing as an industry insider and the sole objective of that work is to sell you more. More food and drink more times a day. That's it. Most portion sizes for burgers, muffins, fries and pizza have more than doubled in the past twenty years! Here's a Business Insider video on some of the massive changes in just the past 20 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMR1QmWavDg In the industry, we talk about metrics like increasing total 'share of throat or gut' as well as increasing the total number of moments of consumption throughout the day. Here are a few examples ...
The first thing is to be willing to not be normal if you want to end the struggle with food and weight forever.
Book a call and let’s talk. We’ll get on the phone for about 45 minutes and we’ll a deep dive into your relationship with food. We’ll get clear on:
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